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Dog Bites


Maryland Dog Bite Injury and Animal Attack Attorney

A dog bite injury causes not only physical pain, but also emotional trauma. At the Law Offices of Douglas T. Sachse in Towson, Maryland, we represent clients who have been hurt in an animal attack due to the negligence of the animal's owner.

Holding Dog Owners Accountable

Unlike animal owners in neighboring Delaware, those in Maryland are not strictly liable for a dog bite injury. That means your lawyer must prove liability. Our experience and aggressive approach in personal injury cases help us meet that challenge. If a dog owner acted irresponsibly and their unprovoked dog attacked you, we will work diligently to hold them accountable.

Recovering from Physical and Psychological Damage

Recovery from a dog bite means getting over the physical pain and getting past the mental anguish that many suffer following an animal attack. At the Law Offices of Douglas T. Sachse, we will work hard to secure compensation from the negligent party. Your expenses may include current and future medical treatments, medications, and lost wages while you are recovering.

The psychological damage from a dog bite injury can become a major component in this type of personal injury case. While many may try to downplay the emotional trauma, we take it as seriously as the physical injuries you have suffered. Those who used to love dogs can develop a phobia when encountering any breed. They relive the accident repeatedly while awake and experience nightmares about the accident while asleep. Those who have sustained permanent scarring may never see themselves the same again. We understand the emotional and physical trauma involved.

Contact an Experienced Dog Bite Injury Attorney for a Free Consultation

Whether the responsible person is the dog owner or a third party, we will file a claim against their insurer and seek to secure the compensation you need and deserve. Owning a dog is a responsibility that too many treat lightly. When that happens, dog bite injuries often occur. For more information or to schedule an appointment with an experienced lawyer regarding a dog bite injury, please contact us.